Thursday, February 21, 2008

Loofah is a funny word...

In the pantheon of funny words loofah has got to be in the top 100. BUT! Did you know that a natural loofah is the fruit of the Luffa acutangula (not funny) and Luffa aegyptiaca (not funny) plants? Technically, its a Gourd. Which is definitely top 5 material for funniest words of all time. Oh, and maybe the word Curd. I can't buy cottage cheese without laughing. I also believe it is theoretically impossible for someone to look cool while saying those words. They're too funny. Something about the way the R and the D work together. I can't explain it. But if someone did explain it then it wouldn't be funny anymore. And then I'd be bummed at that person. Come on man, just let the words be funny! Why do you have to be so stinking literal???


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