Monday, December 22, 2008
This is news?
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Don't Laugh
Friday, October 24, 2008
The Nacho Chip Factor
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Keep it Real...
Today a truck driving in front of me kicked up an empty bag of Garden Salsa Sun Chips (my favorite Sun Chip so I noticed right away) and it blew past me as if no one cared where it would eventually land... Unless its in some guys yard at which point he'll probably dispose of it in a fairly ignominious fashion. So that got me thinking... What is it with the chicks and the shaving off their eyebrows and drawing in “new” ones? This whole process has perplexed me for ages. OK, so let me say straight out that if you or someone you love suffers from some unfortunate condition like alapicia or some affliction that causes your hair to fall out this rant may come off a bit insensitive and/or sound like I am poking fun. These people are not my target market and I apologize if I offend... That being said, WHAT'S WITH THE CHICKS AND THE EYEBROWS!!??? Outside of a tweezing incident gone horribly wrong I cannot imagine a scenario that shaving off ones eyebrows would seem like a GOOD idea! I can't wrap my head around it. I can't fathom how difficult it must be to draws those things on every morning. Think about it, they have to MATCH! If not you look like you're questioning everything everybody says, with that raised eyebrow “are you sure about that” look. What if they're not even? Grab the erasure and start over. Too high and you look surprised... constantly.. all day. Too low and you're angry despite perhaps a smile or some other indicator that would dispel such a conclusion. You would be a walking paradox. I never think about my eyebrows, and yet when I'm in the same room as someone who draws their own I cannot stop thinking about theirs. There is NOTHING natural looking about taking a sharpie and drawing a line above someones eye in a vain attempt to replace something that need not be replaced. Yet this seems to be the desired effect many women are going for. Sometimes I just stare at them and think there was a point for them before leaving the house that they said, “yup, I'm good” or “that's what I'm looking for” or at least “I'm ready to go.” I could not disagree more. You are scary looking. I look on in abject horror that this look is what you are somehow wanting. Why is it this way? Why is it that people will go to such extremes to feel like they look good. I barely trust my own judgment to pick out a pair of jeans by myself, much less deciding if my hair looks alright, and I don't have that much of it to begin with. Why do people do this to themselves? We put so much emphasis on the package, and so little on what's inside. Who cares if I'm an idiot as long as I'm pretty. And it must be said that some people pull it off. Being evil and/or stupid yet good looking that is. But others do not. Do not in a bad way. So that's why I love Sun Chips. Sun Chips make me happy. Why? I will tell you, because not only did someone concern themselves with the taste of these dudes, but also that they are somewhat good for you. That may take a little bit more time and effort, but the fine folks at the Sun Chips plant feel its worth it and so do I. We need to make it less about the package and more about what's in it. Otherwise people will just throw you out their window and you'll blow around wasted in the wind like the empty bag you probably are. Sun Chips and eyebrows baby, that's what I'm all about... Let's keep them both REAL!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
So dogs are supposedly man's best friend...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Help me with something...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
More of me at Mule...
Monday, July 14, 2008
Video I took of Warren...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Looking pretty sweet...
What a beautiful morning...
Friday, July 4, 2008
I'm a Bad Man...
Sunday, June 29, 2008
So let me set the scene...
Needless to say we kept that shot. The green is down the fairway and to the left behind the trees. My shot put us behind the trees with a high 9-iron to the green. While I don't have video of my 2nd shot, I think this picture might say something... STUCK IT!! No I did not touch this ball, walked up and took the picture, then one of the putt. About 10 feet. Wish I had a camara crew to see that one go over the tree...
I missed the putt, but one of the other guys hit it for birdie. So, enough braggadocious-ness, cuz I was all over the course the rest of the day. Only contributed a couple more shots and my putting was terrible. But I had this... and this was pretty cool!
Monday, June 2, 2008
In the dictionary under DELICIOUS...
Friday, May 30, 2008
Raconteurs Live!
Click on hear the concert on this story...
Monday, May 19, 2008
Got a Spare 12 minutes?
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I don't like it here...
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Enough with the Stupid Questions
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Settlers and Explorers
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Name Brands
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Sunday, March 9, 2008
The grass is always greener...
(no goats were harmed in the writing of this blog post, well not bad anyways)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Leave a message at the beep...
Monday, March 3, 2008
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Top 10 Lines from the Funniest Show on TV
I swear I have not made ANY of these up...
10) "He proposed to me by peeing 'will you marry me' in the road."
9) Bride upon receiving her wedding dress via FedEx: "I ordered a 28 and they sent me an 8!"
8) The florist: "I just can't believe you want flower arrangements in beer cans"
7) "I cannot believe you peed my name in front of her shop" - yeah, same guy from #10
6) Grandma "I LOVE Hot Pockets!"
5) Groom talking about writing his vows "I was gonna use fancy words but I don't have a clatorous" Yeah, he meant thesaurus.
4) "I've been working on that arch for a month now and that dern goat just..."
3) "well goat meat's good."
2) "my nails are camouflaged to match my dress"
1) Bride: "I can't find my teef"
Mother: "Your what?"
Bride: "My teef!"
Mother "Want mine?"
Honorable mentions:
"daddy said he's got a hog for the greased pig chase"
Following the ceremony... "Y'all let's go mud boggin'!"
And this was just two episodes! All I know is, I can't breathe right now.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
--Groucho Marx (1890-1977)
I love quotations (as you may have noticed). In fact, one of the main draws of writing in a blog was for the excitement of seeing something you wrote (well not you wrote, but me, I wrote it) and then your name after a --. I just LOVE the idea being dash, dash-ed. You have no clue. Even if its by my own making. Now, I don't know if the dash, dash thing is the true standard for saying this is the dude that said that, but to me it means something. (plus its much better than seeing the date of ones birth and death after the quote, not looking forward to that one). It says to the potential reader that this guy said something cool. And I'm just the kind of guy who wants to say cool things. I do, I'm not gonna lie. I love it when people say to me (however they don't do it nearly often enough) "remember that time when we were in the car and the guy asked us where we were going and you said..." Then, there is laughter. I LOVE THAT! I especially love it when I don't remember the thing I said and then it really was funny and I'm like, man that Finn is a funny guy. Now I know what you're thinking, not all quotations are funny, some are thought provoking, moving, promoting social change or just plain intelligent. Yeah, well I've been waiting around for one of those and let's just say I know what my place is in this world. Those things are for the other people, I just want to be the guy that says something funny, but lastingly so. Why? I don't know, get off me, I'm not trying to psycho analyze you am I? But I will tell you the guy I DO NOT want to be. You know the guy too. He's the one always going for the joke. But most of the time he's just reaching. I don't like that guy. You don't either I'm sure. But that's the danger of being me. I live on that edge. This Finn thing, yeah not my real name. But it has come to embody the person inside of me that desires to be funny, as much as possible. The guy that kinda works at it. Some people are just naturals at coming up with funny stuff on the spot. Sometimes I can be that guy, others times I'm the former. How do you hone your craft? I don't know there Oprah, you tell me. All I know is, it has something to do with being around people that are cool. Cool people breed cool people. Have you noticed that? Have you ever seen a group of friends that you just wanted to be around. Its certainly not easy to break into social circles without the benefit of similar circumstances, same job, same hobbies, same whatever. But notice the amazing thing that takes place, a group dynamic forms. There will usually be the one friend who is there for comic relief. He's not really the comic of the group he just says things off the top of his head and they are precious. Most of the time people laugh, the guy feels a little sheepish maybe (or maybe he's clueless to the laughter, those ones are the best) and fun is had by all. You need to take care of that guy. He's more important to your group of friends than you know. Don't bang on him too hard or he'll clam up, nobody wants that. When he's not around, things just aren't as fun. The guy you need to work on is Mr. Way Too Literal (also known as Mr. No Sense of Humor). I don't like this guy. He and I clash. He's the one that when you say a joke he explains in detail why its impossible. As if a humorous thought can never be based on some presumed level of ignorance or some ridiculous gross assumption. He's all, (Insert nerd voice here) well its a known fact that you should change or wash your loofah as often as you change your sheets or creamed corn is highly nutritious and was invented by the French. Nobody needs that guy around. He needs to be at home reading a book or something. That's the guy you bang on. Eventually then he'll be cool as he learns that ridiculousness is funny sometimes. But all of them get the dash, dash at times. Especially the actual cool guy of the group. Now, I don't have much experience with that guy, but I've seen him. (I recommend not having that guy, but you do what you want.) Sometimes, we can be all of those guys in their varying roles. When social groups that have that dynamic, they are truly special. Promote those roles and you'll love your friends in such a way that no distance will ever part you. And there will be many precious dash, dash's. The true -- though is the one that transcends whatever it was contained in. Whether it be a line in a speech, a novel or some article (a blog post maybe? I doubt it). That's the one. The pinnacle. The stuff dreams are made of. Well, at least it is for me, a wannabe writer who at times is told he is funny. I may never know the coolness of having something I said/wrote added indelibly into the lexicon of my cultures best, or even transcend my culture into others. But sometimes, my friends repeat things that I said because they remembered them and thought they were funny. And in a lot of ways, that's just as cool...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Do you know what I hate?
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
"Blog" is a funny word...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Sandals v. Flip-flops
Ok, this year I've finally embraced the flip-flop. Why did it take me so long? You act like its no big deal but it is. See sandals just don't do it for me. I mean yeah, if you're a woman fine, but alas I am not. So this whole point is not in reference to the female culture. No this is speaking directly to the male use of the sandal. Bottom line: I'm not down. Got no use for the sandal. What are you saying when you wear sandals? I know what you think you're saying: I want to feel somewhat formal and its hot outside. Well, I tried the sandal thing once. You sir are not formal. Nothing says I have given up on my hopes and dreams like the use of sandals. And I am serious about this. Sandals were semi-hip (yes I know the word hip hasn't been hip since the early 70's but I'm bringing it back you square!) for like 20 minutes in 1998. A bunch of people bought them and then you could get a pair at Walmart for 10 bucks. Nothing against the fine folks at Walmart, but let's face it once your fashion choices start showing up there you need to take in an episode of The OC or something. Maybe just hit the mall man, see what the kids are wearing these days, because it sure ain't sandals! (Speaking of Walmart, I noticed that when Walmart comes up in conversation there's always one joker who thinks he's gotta pipe off about how they're ruining the free market system destroying the mom & pop operations of the world and then they get all soapboxy on the idea. I love a good opinion as much as the next guy, but when I can get a gallon of milk for like a dollar but have to take out a credit app to shop a mom & pop (I know you can't get a gallon of milk for a dollar there Mr. Coupon Cutter, relax I'm making a point here, get your own blog), I guess I just have a problem throwing money away. Besides, I really don't think this is a conundrum for me the common milk buyer, maybe when the government is done worrying about which ball players have the juice in their butts we can get something done about your mom & pop. Of course if it was my mom and my pop well then I'd be ticked, until then when I need some dish soap, I'm saving the 36 cents.) See the thing is, I guess I always thought sandals and flip-flops played for the same team. They were buds, spent time on the weekends together. Not true... and I can prove it. What is the #1 fashion faux pas involving sandals? As anyone under the age of 50 can tell you it is the use of socks especially dark colored ones. Try to wear socks with flip-flops and what happens? Feels like your big toe is gonna break off! If I'm not mistaken that kind of torture is mentioned in the Geneva Convention. (I do know one thing though if you can wear socks and flip-flops you my friend are a borderline superhero, you can go about your day, I'm not even talking to you...) Need more? No problem, think of the overall convenience factor for the flip flop wearer. You can go from bare feet to outside in like 3 seconds. WITH both hands full. No hands needed. Sandals, not so much. Application usually involves at least one hand. No sir, flip-flops and sandals are not friends. They aren't even from the same towns. Flip-flops are from beach areas like Ft. Lauderdale and San Diego. Sandals, I don't know Kansas? Maybe Nebraska. I think I've made my point. But I do have one issue with the flip-flops (and no, I don't call them thongs, and in this day and age considering the obvious synonymous confusion that could come up, let's just say I don't need that kind of press) I have a tough time dealing with that little slappy noise they make when you walk. For the most part I feel I'm secure enough as a male that I can deal with it, but every now and when I'm in say Walmart and I'm trying to get a gallon of milk really quick, it sounds to the innocent observer like a 50 year old mother coming after her kids in in the toy department in an authoritative manner. And yes, the looks are slightly difficult to deal with...
- "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months."
- --Oscar Wilde
- Rock star (seriously, this guy was the Dylan of the late 1800's)
Friday, February 22, 2008
I love this guy...
--Oscar Wilde
- "It is a very sad thing that nowadays there is so little useless information."
Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900)
"I hear you Mr. Wilde... I shall do my best."
American wannabe comedian, incoherent babbler, & professional procrastinator (1971- )
Lay off the Dairy...
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Loofah is a funny word...
and so it begins...
Who's coming with me?